Jigsaw // Learning that fits

Moodle and LMS

Moodle and LMS

One of the biggest challenges facing our clients is where to host their online programmes. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the technical specifications of myriad platform providers. At Jigsaw we give our clients impartial advice, looking at available platforms and how to get the most out of your existing systems.

What do we do?

We should come clean. We love Moodle. It’s open source, easy to use, flexible, portable and sustainable, and, if you’re new to online learning, a low-risk place to start your journey. But we don’t recommend Moodle to everyone! We help you to define your requirements and create a specification to get exactly what you need: that may include other platforms or your existing intranet, extranet or LMS.

Our Moodle expertise

We have been working with Moodle since 2006 and specialise in using its standard features to deliver extraordinary blended learning programmes. Here are some examples:

And when Moodle is not the best choice...

We provide consultancy to support:

We also develop websites to support learning using Wordpress, HTML, Ruby on Rails and platforms specified by our clients.
