Keen sailors ourselves, working with Jane Hall and Craig Burton at the Royal Yachting Association was a perfect match.
Working with Jigsaw has taught us to look at eLearning in a new way. Their approach to instilling the right behaviour changes rather than bogging students down with facts and figures is highly intelligent and refreshing. It also helped us gain our first eLearning Award! Projects are run in a very collaborative way with Jigsaw taking the time to really get under the skin of the issue and draw out the learning points that will produce the most effective course.
Jane Hall, e-Learning & Training Resources Manager
Elspeth displayed tremendous enthusiasm and dedication to producing great results. She worked long and hard when necessary, but was able to stand back and reflect on problems to allow creative solutions to develop.
Her organic style of development allowed changes to ideas that didn't work as well as first thought, which resulted in a more innovative product than was first envisaged.
Craig Burton, Chief Instructor Sail Cruising